
The Kai Ora Fund 2025 – Applications Open

Applications are now open for The Kai Ora Fund 2025. With grants of up to $5,000, The Kai Ora Fund supports Te Tai Tokerau based community-driven projects and initiatives that address food security and improve community resilience.

Since it began in 2015, the Kai Ora Fund has helped over 280 grassroots projects with over $900,000 in funding.

“Our funding supports projects that involve the gathering, hunting, and growing of kai and kai moana, as well as educational workshops, wānanga, and other initiatives focussed on preserving our cultural heritage. We are helping to build stronger, healthier communities that future-proof themselves against potential disruptions such as weather events, economic instability, or resource shortages.” (Erana Peita, Kai Ora Fund Coordinator)

The closing date for applications is 26 March 2025. For more information or to apply visit www.kaiorafund.com or email partners@kaiorafund.com.

Kai ora fund 2025!Kai ora fund 2025!

Listen here to Sasja Mazurkiewicz from Healthy Families Far North, kōrero on Te Hiku radio about the Kai Ora Fund.

About Kai Ora Fund Partners

The Kai Ora Fund is a collaborative multi-sector initiative comprising Mahitahi Hauora PHE, Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand – Te Tai Tokerau, Kāinga Ora | Homes and Communities, Kaipara District Council, Healthy Families Far North, Whangārei District Council, Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o Te Ika | Far North District Council and our newest partner for 2024, Foundation North.