
Healthcare information resources

Our searchable resource library contains links and downloads with information for healthcare professionals, patients, and whānau.

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Clinical Triage in General Practice

This webinar recording provides an overview of clinical triage in general practice with Dr Andrew Miller and the NHH Team. It provides a clear overview of the use of the clinical triage advanced form and using clinical triage. Dr Andrew Miller shares his experience in using the forms and the benefits of clinical triage.

Primary Options Acute Demand Management Service (POADMS)

The Primary Options Acute Demand Management Service (POADMS) supports Te Tai Tokerau primary care to provide safe, appropriate acute care in the community. By providing funding and resourcing for people to receive care in a community setting, rather than in hospital, it aims to reduce hospital presentations, shortens the length of stay, and prevents readmission … Continue reading “Primary Options Acute Demand Management Service (POADMS)”

Education for Health Professionals

Education resources for health professsionals

End of Life Choice Act and assisted dying

Learn about the End of Life Choice Act, your role and responsibilities as a primary health care provider, and how you can support patients in this webinar.

End of life

Information and resources to support whānau and healthcare professionals to provide palliative and end-of-life care.

Arms Act 1983

The Arms Legislation Act 2020 introduced changes to the Arms Act 1983 which come into effect from 24 December 2020. The changes aim to reduce harm from firearms. The December 2020 amendments mean: Health practitioners must consider notifying Police of health concerns related to their patient’s firearms access. Police will notify health practitioners when their patient has been issued with a firearms licence.

Managing patients presenting with colds and flu

Particularly in winter, general practices may experience increased patient demand from people asking to see a doctor for a cold or flu. People often think a doctor can prescribe antibiotics that will help, but antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria. They can’t fix a cold or flu, which are caused by viruses. For … Continue reading “Managing patients presenting with colds and flu”

The Mauri Ora Window

The Mauri Ora Window is an innovative approach for health practitioners who want to improve their cultural engagement and address inequitable health outcomes for indigenous people. Health care quality is a key driver of health inequities and this begins at the point of engagement. Mauri Ora is a friendly, easy to apply tool to trigger … Continue reading “The Mauri Ora Window”

Manawa Ora Healthy Home Initiative

Manawa Ora is a free service that supports whānau with tamariki to create warmer, drier, healthier homes.

Health and wellbeing information and services

There are a number of useful online directories to help you find health and wellbeing services available in Tai Tokerau. You can also find online directories of reliable health information, such as Health Navigator New Zealand.