Primary Mental Health
& Addiction Service

The Primary Mental Health & Addictions service provides a range of mental health services across Te Tai Tokerau. Services include brief intervention, health navigators, ahurea, counselling and psychology, and referral on to further resources and agencies.

Referrals are received through general practice, other referral pathways and self-referrals for anyone over the age of 12.

You can reach regional services through your GP or by calling:

• Whangārei – Mahitahi Hauora 0800 624 482, 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
• Bay of Islands and Kaikohe – Broadway Health 09 401 1556 or Ngāti Hine Health Trust 0800 737 573
• Kaitāia – Te Hiku Hauora 0800 808 4024, Te Hiku GP Clinic 09 408 0049, Kaitāia Health Centre 09 408 1300, or Mamaru Clinic 09 406 0074
• Hokianga – Hokianga Health 09 405 7709

Hauora Kotahitanga is a directory of wellbeing services and resources in Te Tai Tokerau.