Kahu Taurima is the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora approach to maternity and early years (pre-conception to 5 years old, or the First 2,000 Days of life) for all whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The name ‘Kahu Taurima’ has many connections to maternity and early years. ‘Kahu’ speaks to the korowai of services and support that wraps around whānau as well as an alignment with He Korowai Oranga, ‘Taurima’ speaks to caring, nurturing, and fostering our most cherished pepi, tamariki and whānau.
Mahitahi Hauora has partnered with Ngāti Hine Health Trust to develop a centralised local triage and referral system for hapu mamas, which will support and facilitate a proactive early referral and intervention.