The Primary Options Acute Demand Management Service (POADMS) supports Te Tai Tokerau primary care to provide safe, appropriate acute care in the community. By providing funding and resourcing for people to receive care in a community setting, rather than in hospital, it aims to reduce hospital presentations, shortens the length of stay, and prevents readmission to secondary care services.
To ensure equitable access, POADMS maintains a strong focus on serving high deprivation populations, those living in quintile 5, Māori, Pacific peoples, older people and children.
For presentations claimable under POADMS and a schedule of set prices, please see the table below.
To receive a funded service the patient must meet the following criteria:
Please refer to individual service information on the POADMS page in Northland HealthPathways for specific criteria.
Patients must have a full clinical assessment to be referred to POADMS. There are a number of entry points, including general practice, urgent care clinics, and ambulance services. Once a patient is referred, all services in the package of care are free to the patient while they are acutely unwell (usually up to three days), except for the initial 15-minute consultation.
The initiating doctor/NP carries clinical responsibility for managing the patient’s care unless the clinical responsibility can be handed over to a colleague within the practice, to a clinician in an urgent care clinic, or to the patient’s registered GP.
The patient must be informed and agree that the information on the claim form and other information relating to the illness will be made available to the clinical co-ordination centre team and sub-contracted health care providers.
The patient must also be informed and agree that they may be liable for costs if the claim is declined.
POADMS Clinical Services Team
0800 PRIMARYOPS – Option 1
Kathrynn Wrightson
POADMS Clinical Nurse Coordinator
0800 PRIMARYOPS – Option 2
Details of the Primary Options Acute Demand Management Service (POADMS), including information about funded investigations and procedures, eligibility, and exclusions. To view the recording of the education session 'Getting the Best Out of POADMS', follow the link below and use the passcode 4@1rMFe!